Purposefully I had chosen not to do this trip/Ride specifically for Charity, however one of the things I’m increasingly aware of is that many people when you embark on a trip like this, one of the first things you are asked is:
Are you doing this for Charity?
No, this is a trip I’d decided to do for other reasons as explained in the Why pages, however that said there are several very worthwhile charities and organisation’s out there doing some very good work and below is one that I do support and have links on this site that if you like what I am doing, it would be great to donate to
JOLE RIDER – bikes4africa which is based locally in Tetbury.
A Bit About bikes4africa
Thousands of African children live in remote rural communities, long distances from their nearest school. Children can have walks of up to 3 hours each way to reach their school. Without reliable and affordable motorised transport the only way these children can get to school is to walk. In searing heat, their journey to school on foot, every day, is an epic mission. For thousands of other children a journey to school by foot is inconceivable.
Every African child deserves, and indeed craves, an education, knowing it is vital if they are to reshape their own long-term future. Having a bicycle to ride to get to school makes a world of difference for these children and, not least, for their families and communities. The social impact and long-term value just one bicycle can bring is truly incalculable.
bikes4Africa collects, refurbishes, and delivers donated second-hand bikes to schools in Africa. The programme also trains young Africans in bike maintenance, delivering both programme sustainability and employment opportunities.
bikes4Africa is the flagship programme of UK charity JOLE RIDER,
supporting it’s mission:
To change lives through education by enabling children in Africa to get to school by bike.
However, you can donate through this website link to believe in (100% of the money goes to the charity):
Donate to Bikes4Africa. Donations are made through the Total Giving website which ensures the charity gets as much of the funds as possible where many of the charity donation sites take a commission or fee.