Exciting times are coming. it’s been a while since I’ve been touring for more than a few days. Plans for this summer should change that. I’ve been jealously following Peter Gostelows trip to Turkey. You can read about Peters trip at his website. https://petergostelow.com
The seed to do something larger again has been there for a while, and Peter who was one of my inspirations to cycle through Africa., being on a longer tour again has got me pining for the freedom of the road . To be on the bike again with everything I need being carried in few bags on the bike. That memory of the thrill of seeing places for the first time and meeting new people has never died. ….
That seed has started germinating…..

Watch this space…
Good luck, Gary!
Looks like an awesome adventure awaits.
When are you off?
Thanks Steve, All being well. June 🙂
Oooh ! Well done you ! Following your dreams …. I hope you have an amazing time
Paula x
Thanks Paula 🙂
Good luck Gary and enjoy the trip. The weathers fantastic for cycling to the ferry, try not to get sunburnt. Keep us all updated.