I started the journey home today. The planned route taking in the palace at Versailles.

I got to Versailles with little trouble, getting in with a bike however is impossible. Entrance is via the side entrance to the garden, sailors gate. Once in the grounds I decided to take a ride around the lake. This small jaunt round the lake ended up being about 4.5 miles. The palace from the outside is certainly impressive, especially from the main gate which I wasn’t allowed through with a bike.

Today’s ride was on the best roads so far. Smooth and fast, although average speed was only 13mph, I was regularly over 20, managing to draft both a French Cyclist and a tractor for several miles.
The French Cyclist was interested in my ride,although neither of us spoke each others languages particularly well we did manage to communicate..sort of.
It was another warm day for riding and I forgot to put on the sun cream. By the time I noticed I’d had a little too much sun I was only about 10 miles from the Hotel, so I carried on. Once I took my shirt off the burn line was quite impressive both on my arms and legs. Think I’ll put the sun tan lotion on at the start of tomorrows ride. 🙂

Route: Leg 4 – Paris to Evreux
Click this link to see today’s ride route !
Started: 23 Aug 2012 07:47:53
Ride Time: 5:49:54
Stopped Time: 3:13:29
Distance: 77.70 miles
Average Speed: 13.32 mph
Fastest Speed: 49.57 mph
Ascent: 4667 feet
Descent: 4396 feet
Calories: 2351